Zoom ID: 6466754321 | Passcode: 24
20-21 Oct 2023 6pm to 6pm Online on Zoom

Prophet Glitter Sower is married to lady Gloria and a father to many sons and daughters raised in the body of Christ for effective ministry all over the world.

With almost 30 years of proven apostolic and prophetic ministry, he has served the body of Christ with integrity and purpose bringing direction, deliverance and the power of God to his generation.
He was one of the pioneers of the ground breaking prophetic and prayer ministry of ICGC, the solution center and part of the first graduating class of what has now grown to be the central university college.

Haven planted many churches including the pantang, Oyarifa, and helped build the Nsawam and Adenta ICGC churches, he is no stranger to the ICGC family.

Now the founder and senior pastor of Royalfamily Int Churches in Cincinnati, and Columbus Ohio in the USA.