Zoom ID: 6466754321 | Passcode: 24
20-21 Oct 2023 6pm to 6pm Online on Zoom









24 Hours Non-Stop Prayer + Worship

In these times of unease and uncertainties, where fear and hatred seem rampant, we find God’s word to be most instructive; “if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray… I will hear them from heaven and I will heal their land”. We believe prayer is the panacea to the ills of man and its evil influence on society. On the other hand, prayer is our safeguard from the evils of this age. Hence in the words of our Lord Jesus, “men ought always to pray and not to faint”.

Also, we reckon prayer is the vehicle by which God’s will is enforced in the lives and societies of men. The Lord’s prayer teaches us to pray after this manner, ‘Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven’. Policies do impact our activities that could ultimately alter the very fiber of society. Praying for good policies is important but more critical is for the right persons to be empowered to engage society at all levels, investing in, introducing and implementing the right policies that inure to the benefit of all.

Emerge is a 24-hour prayer event designed to empower the rise of a generation of relevant and engaged Christian leaders to impact their world. People from all walks of life will be gathering together as one to pray in faith that we will be transformed by the power of God. For it was in the place of fervent continuous prayer that God’s nation of Israel was birthed out of Jacob, a man on the run.

Can people’s lives be transformed in a day? Can the destiny of a city be changed for good? Can a nation be born in a day? … the word of God says, ‘as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth’. It is our earnest prayer that in these 24 hours, as many as join us to pray will encounter God for themselves and be transformed to be more like Him. Bringing out the best in us for the benefit of our communities.